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This job has been filled 12/08/2021 Restaurant Operation Manager kaza consult Al-Riyadh - Al-Riyadh Province
This job has been filled 11/15/2021 Restaurant Manager ( Confidential - UNDISCLOSED )
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Al-Riyadh - Al-Riyadh Province
This job has been filled 10/06/2021 Restaurant Manager ( Confidential - UNDISCLOSED )
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Al-Riyadh - Al-Riyadh Province
This job has been filled 09/08/2021 Cooker جلوريا ان Al-Riyadh - Al-Riyadh Province
This job has been filled 08/27/2021 Cost Accountant مركز مشاعل النسائي Al-Riyadh - Al-Riyadh Province
This job has been filled 08/08/2021 Quality Manager مؤسسة مطعم برج الكباب Al-Riyadh - Al-Riyadh Province
This job has been filled 08/03/2021 warehouse manager مزاج مغربي Al-Riyadh - Al-Riyadh Province
This job has been filled 07/27/2021 Cake and pastry maker ( Confidential - UNDISCLOSED )
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Al-Riyadh - Al-Riyadh Province
This job has been filled 07/13/2021 Restaurant and Coffee Operations Manager شركة سندس العقارية Al-Riyadh - Al-Riyadh Province
This job has been filled 05/04/2021 Resturant manager طريق الامتياز التجاري Al-Riyadh - Al-Riyadh Province
This job has been filled 03/07/2021 Bakery teacher Kayes Trading Est. Al-Riyadh - Al-Riyadh Province
This job has been filled 03/07/2021 Shawarma teacher Kayes Trading Est. Al-Riyadh - Al-Riyadh Province
This job has been filled 01/28/2021 Kunafa teacher خير الجياد للاجبان Al-Riyadh - Al-Riyadh Province
This job has been filled 12/19/2020 General Chef ( Confidential - UNDISCLOSED )
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Al-Riyadh - Al-Riyadh Province
This job has been filled 10/14/2020 Fresh Juice Maker مؤسسة عنب جريب للعصيرات Al-Riyadh - Al-Riyadh Province
This job has been filled 10/07/2020 regional manager شركة بيت الشواية Al-Riyadh - Al-Riyadh Province
This job has been filled 09/14/2020 Waiter ( Confidential - UNDISCLOSED )
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Al-Riyadh - Al-Riyadh Province
This job has been filled 09/14/2020 Captain Chef ( Confidential - UNDISCLOSED )
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Al-Riyadh - Al-Riyadh Province
This job has been filled 09/08/2020 general chef ( Confidential - UNDISCLOSED )
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Al-Riyadh - Al-Riyadh Province
This job has been filled 08/29/2020 Barista مؤسسة حكايات المحبة للتوظيف Al-Riyadh - Al-Riyadh Province
This job has been filled 08/27/2020 Shawarma and burger chef مؤسسة حكايات المحبة للتوظيف Al-Riyadh - Al-Riyadh Province
This job has been filled 08/02/2020 Barista موائد عامرة لتقديم الوجبات Al-Riyadh - Al-Riyadh Province
This job has been filled 06/18/2020 Juice teacher ( Confidential - UNDISCLOSED )
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Al-Riyadh - Al-Riyadh Province
This job has been filled 06/06/2020 Confectionery teacher شركة الرشيد Al-Riyadh - Al-Riyadh Province
This job has been filled 03/04/2020 Chef popular cuisine مطاعم روعة الجود لأكلات الشعبية Al-Riyadh - Al-Riyadh Province
This job has been filled 02/24/2020 Restaurant manager and coffee shop مؤسسة ليل وقمر لتقديم الوجبات Al-Riyadh - Al-Riyadh Province
This job has been filled 10/03/2019 Cooker شركة ايان العربية المحدودة Al-Riyadh - Al-Riyadh Province
This job has been filled 09/14/2019 Indoor lounge manager مؤسسة حنيذ مرخ لتقديم الوجبات Al-Riyadh - Al-Riyadh Province
This job has been filled 09/08/2019 restaurant chef شركة مساعد السيار للتجارة Al-Riyadh - Al-Riyadh Province
This job has been filled 09/05/2019 Chef Sweets شركة لؤلؤ للخدمات التجارية Al-Riyadh - Al-Riyadh Province

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