Job Details
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Company: casavia
Job Title: hiring specialist
Job Category: HR - Recruitment and Development  [ View All HR - Recruitment and Development Jobs ]
Job Location: MYAS - Madinah Province
Post Date: 09/03/2014
Job description:
- Attract the appropriate competencies from applicants to fill positions in the company and conduct personal interviews and coordination with the departments and follow-up training on the job and the experience of the employee until it is installed on the job
  • Fluency in the use of spoken and written English
  • Computer proficiency
Language requirements:
  • English-good
Employment type:
  • Full Time
Salary Range: Unspecified
Benefits and Other Informations: - Housing allowance 25% of basic salary
Transportation allowance 10% of basic salary
Medical insurance with family members
Basic Requirements
Gender: Male
This Job Available For: Saudi Only
Minimum Education Level: 2+Year Diploma
Minimum Experience Level: Entry Level (Less than 1 to 3 Years Experience)
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