Job Details
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Company: مؤسسة أمان نجد لأجهزة السلامة Verified Employer
Job Title: Smith
Job Category: Technitian Jobs - Manufacturing  [ View All Technitian Jobs - Manufacturing Jobs ]
Job Location: Al-Riyadh - Al-Riyadh Province
Post Date: 08/13/2020
Job description:
- Tailoring and manufacturing of towers and equipping land cars
- Making stairs for trips and land supplies
Equipping 4 × 4 cars
Blacksmithing the structure of funds and listings
Cut aluminum and galvanized iron sheets
Employment type:
  • Full Time
Salary Range: ٢٥٠٠ S.R.
Benefits and Other Informations: Rewarding incentives for productivity
Basic Requirements
Gender: Male
This Job Available For: Open For All
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