Job Details
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Company: الجمعية الخيرية للزواج ورعاية الأسرة بمنطقة المدينة المنورة Verified Employer
Job Title: Director of Public Relations and Advertising
Job Category: Other  [ View All Other Jobs ]
Job Location: Al-Madinah - Madinah Province
Post Date: 12/07/2011
Job description:
Supervising all works related to highlighting the bright image of the Association through the implementation of a series of information campaigns and field visits and communication with government agencies and private sector institutions to introduce the objectives and activities and products of the Association in addition to the design of advertising materials and brochures of the Assembly.
  • - BA / Media / Business Administration
  • - High school + 6 years experience
  • - Knowledge of the work of the Assembly
  • - Knowledge of applying the scientific means of information, public relations and communication with the public
  • - Saudi
Language requirements:
  • English-fluent
Employment type:
  • Full Time
Salary Range: بعد المقابلة الشخصية S.R.
Benefits and Other Informations: Medical insurance + transportation allowance + housing allowance
Basic Requirements
Gender: Male
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