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Company: شركة سرب طيبه
Job Title: Human Resource Specialist
Job Category: HR - Recruitment and Development  [ View All HR - Recruitment and Development Jobs ]
Job Location: Al-Madinah - Madinah Province
Post Date: 10/13/2015
Job description:
- Follow up the application of the labor regulations and the list of powers in force in the Labor Office
- Attention to all aspects of the system that relate to employees.
- Implementation of the necessary procedures for the employment of manpower according to the workforce plan.
- To carry out all procedures related to the employee's employment from the work of an identity card, evaluation procedures during the trial period, etc.
- Implementing the procedures related to the transfer, promotion, bonuses and penalties for employees after making sure that they are carried out according to the list of powers in force.
- Implementation of procedures related to the employee's registration whether by resignation, termination of employment, health disability, termination of contract, retirement, etc., after ascertaining that they are in accordance with the applicable list of powers.
- Implementation of all procedures related to the evaluation of the annual performance of the distribution of samples and receive and sorting and ensure that it and related increases in salary are in accordance with the list of powers in force.
- Implementation of all procedures related to the evaluation of the annual performance of the distribution of samples and receive and sorting and ensure that it and related increases in salary are in accordance with the list of powers in force.
- Implementation of all procedures related to employee leave from coordination with the concerned authorities regarding the setting of the initial dates to the procedures for the return and return of leave.
- Implementation of all procedures related to the control of staff time and the consequent delay and absence of procedures in accordance with the existing regulations.
- Implementation of all other personnel related procedures such as dismissal, acquittal and acquittal procedures, service certificate, identification certificate, as per the approved Terms of Reference
- Carry out the procedures related to the workers under his supervision according to the approved list of powers.
- Arranging, organizing and developing the Personnel Section
Management and follow-up of employment announcements and interviews.
- Save and arrange files of employees and employees in the archive files.
- Editing and keeping internal and external letters on the work of personnel and sent to the concerned bodies.
- Save all administrative decisions and circulars and copy them.
- Preparation of exit, return and final exit visas and renewal of staff accommodation in accordance with the regulations.
- Follow-up and renewal of work permits, records, subscriptions, stays, visas and payment of fees related to the company in the Labor Office, workers, passports, insurance, human resources and others in other government agencies.
- Any other work assigned to him by his direct boss and within the scope of his work.
  • Experience not less than four years
  • Convertible establishment
Employment type:
  • Full Time
Salary Range: Unspecified
Basic Requirements
Gender: Male
This Job Available For: Open For All
Minimum Experience Level: Mid Level (4 to 10 Years Experience)
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